

more about ktmusik

Singer, Songwriter, Vocal Coach, Producer and Composer- Kemar Thomas dubbed (KTMUSIK) is a Jamaican native, who hails from the Sunshine City of Portmore. Born on June 17, 1989, KT- this multi-faceted, fresh musical prodigy, is best known for his smooth timbre, milky falsetto and vocal prowess which resonate even after the music stops.

A past student of the Calabar High School and an accomplished graduate of the University of Technology, Kemar has coined religious songs as well as others with a social commentary, by infusing musical genres such as Reggae, Jazz, and R&B to create a ‘New Sound’, which heals the heart and soothes the soul!

KT has always been a musical “stand-out”- the epitome of success as evidenced in the numerous Gold medals won at the JCDC festival competitions (2001-2006). Apart from singing in numerous church groups and choirs, he also assumed the role of vocalist and band leader in the Urim 7 Gospel Band which was declared Jamaica’s first musical ambassadors for the Caribbean Heritage Salute to Hollywood Gala Celebrations in 2015-16 (California). The group has also ministered in Jamaica, Florida, New York, Boston and Washington D.C. at The White House and Capitol Hill.

“Musician par excellence” is echoed by his family- his greatest support and inspiration, his friends, and numerous fans.